This land belongs to me. I am the owner, proprietor, stakeholder and no one has the right to dislodge me from here….this is the most important feelings that Indians enjoy in this great land of ours. This is the right that we received with our independence. This is the core of our yearly celebrations. It is a time to think about and give thanks to the many strands that weave together to make the fabric of an Indian nation.
We celebrate the vastness of our country and the great sense of freedom to move about as we please within our national boundaries. What a variety of climatic conditions, cultural diversities, traditions, languages, food, clothes and lifestyle!
Within these diversities, wherever you go you are greeted with respectful palms joined together in the namaste, namaskar or vanakkam. The people bond with you with hospitality, love and affection as if they have known you forever. This is palpable so much more outside cities and urban megalopolises.
There is a collective pride in everyone that overrides the feelings of dissatisfaction which occasionally pulls us down with pessimism brought about by politicians, corruption, depravation and degradation. Our biggest enemy is ourselves for we seek alibis to achieving our personal success even at the cost of the nation. We take for granted that everything will be fine without our individual contribution and sacrifice. This was not the way that forefathers got this Independence for us.
Surviving the heavy odds, we became a nation. It is this indomitable spirit that is a part of who we are. It is time again to bring out a new edition of our freedom and independence. The motto Sathyameva Jayate has to be refreshed, burnished and made to happen to bring about a national sense of equality, fraternity and integrity.