Firstly I regret the fact that I haven`t been posting for so long.secondly for not writing the post on the extramural lectures(eml) I attended and as promised in the last post I don`t have enough time(??!!!) to write about Sachin and I regret it.But I `ll write a post before the semester ends on all the emls I attended and a special one for the young tendulkar.Is the time really tight ? yes indeed. I `m not speaking about myself but about our mother nature.
It`s earth hour all around.
I see people less 20 yrs of age using lift in my hostel I never understand why?
On the other hand I see people who never ever switch off their lights and fans 24/7
इतनी बड़ी धरती हमारी
और छोटे से हम
मानव, मींन. पशु, और पतिंगे
लाखो जीवों का यह घर;
धरती पर, धरती के नीचे,
कुछ रहते धरती की उपर,
सब मे जीवन, सब है बराबर,
नही है कोई कम|
इतने बड़ी धरती हमारी
और छोटे से हम|
रंग-बिरंगे, पर, पकांगे,
माघ, गगन पंछी मंडराते;
दाने दो ही चुगते लकिन
मीठे, लंबे गीत सुनते;
डगमग चलते, नाचा करते
खुश रहते हेर दम|
इतनी बड़ी धरती हुमारी
और छोटे से हम|
कई, घास, पौधे नन्हे,
जीवन रक्षक वृक्ष हुमारे;
रोटी. दल, सब्ज़ी, फल
आनोंदो के श्रोत हुमारे;
जब तक भूमि हरी रहेगी
स्वस्थ रहेंगे हम|
इतने बरी धरती हुमारी
और छोटे से हम|
Don`t get excited............ I just copied the poem from some where but it still attracts,the poem makes you think ..But I say thinking is only the first step towards the 1000 mile journey ,there is lot more left you have to act not just think .
What`s true?
I don`t believe the mayan calender but I believe the truth .I strongly believe that earth is a small place but a beautiful one please let it be as it is don`t create more disasters .
20 year olds using lifts to reach 1st and 2nd floors to go and sleep in the class ???????
Indicates how fit we are today but one thing I can say is that there will time for fun ,grief, love and lust but we an earth for all that . So please follow the earth hour and let your friends know about it ,most important thing is force them to follow it .
And the Lord said Let there be Light and I say "Let there be EARTH"